Favorite Games of the Decade!

Best board games of the decadeWow – what a fantastic decade in board gaming!

Now that we’ve rolled into 2020, we want to pay homage to the stellar board games published over the past decade.

It just so happens that we’ve also been reviewing family board games, card games, party games and more for just over 10 years!

In October 2019, we celebrated the 10 year mark for The Board Game Family.

Which means we’ve been front and center with the amazing new games that have hit family tables across the world this past decade.

As we look back on our experiences and having been a part of this modern resurgence in board gaming, we’re incredibly grateful.

With an average of 5,000 new board games published every year, that equates to about 50,000 new games published this past decade!

That’s just unfathomable.

It also means there’s no way anyone can play every game published.

But that being said, we’ve seen a ton of amazing new games take the world by storm over that period of time. And we’ve played a bunch of them.

So without further ado, here’s our list of great family games from 2010-2019.


20 Favorite Family Games of the Decade

Rather than trying to rank these favorites in order, we’re giving a tip of the hat to all of them. They’re all fantastic games we’d heartily recommend to anyone who wants to play fun games with their family.

Click on the game to see our full review of each.


Dad’s Favorite Board Games of the Past Decade

In addition to the family favorites above, there are a bunch of games dad loves playing with his buddies.


10 Amazing Family Games published prior to this past decade:

There may be a number of board games your family loves to play that you didn’t see on the lists above. Maybe that’s because they were published in an earlier decade. Here are some of our favorites that were published prior to this past decade.


Of course, there are hundreds of other games that have make huge impacts on the board game industry this past decade that we have yet to try. And chances are that we’ll get to try many of them still in the years to come.

What are your favorite board games from the last decade?

4 thoughts on “Favorite Games of the Decade!

  • Great list of games! You and your family are awesome. Keep up the great work. Love your posts.

  • This is a good list. A few we haven’t played yet! We got kind of tired of Camel Up, but it’s an easy one to get into with any skill level player. Doing a lot of Santorini lately.

    • Ryan – Santorini is easy to play a lot of because of all the random powers. Different strategies every game!


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