Make the most of our time with our kids

board game family
Congratulations Trevor!

This week our oldest son, Trevor, graduates from high school.

Wow – where has the time gone?

Time flying by sure isn’t a surprise to parents around the world. Everyone says it, because it’s true.

Considering that the average life expectancy worldwide is over 70 years old, we’ll only spend a fraction of those years with kids growing up under our roof.

We mark the years with so many milestones, and before you know it, they’ve come and gone.

High school graduation and leaving home falls in the mega-milestone category.

We’re currently staring down this mega-milestone with Trevor.

board game family
Dad and the boys!

While he’s looking forward to future time at college, his plans first include serving 2 years as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

In just a few months he’ll head off to somewhere in the world for the next 2 years. And that’s a huge farewell.

We’ll keep connected through regular letters and emails and get some talk and face time through phone/video calls at Christmas and Mother’s Day. But being together will be put on hold while Trevor begins the next phase of his life.

We’re so excited for him!

At the same time we’re sad to come to the end of this first phase of his life. The part we now know so well.

Love what time you have
But we’re not bemoaning the time.

The Board Game Family Mexico service
Mom and Trevor sheetrocking in Mexico.

Instead of looking at what we’ll miss when our kids leave home, we’d rather focus on the wonderful years we’ve had with our kids.

Instead of thinking of what’s come to an end and what we’ll miss, we want to appreciate the fabulous times we’ve shared.

Cheers to all the great times we’ve spent with our kids!

  • From the adventures and new experiences to the mundane and routine.
  • From the exciting vacations and events to the ordinary and predictable.
  • From the camping and sports to the quiet nights at home.
  • From the performances and shows to the sacred and serene.

Even though our first is soon to depart, we’ve still got a lot to keep up with. And it’s only the beginning.

board game family
Brooke loves watching Trevor’s performances.

Once a parent, always a parent.
The grandkids will come and the stories will continue.
While some things will pass, new opportunities and grand experiences are yet to come.

Time to binge
But he hasn’t left quite yet…

With a few months left, it’s time to attack the short-list of things I’d love to do before he leaves.

Here’s a snippet of that list – the “Board Game” section:

  1. Risk Legacy – finish our adventure (played 9; with 6 to go before our world is named)
  2. Descent: Journeys in the Dark 2nd Edition: Labyrinth of Ruin – finish our just started campaign
  3. Memoir ’44 – play more campaigns from Campaign Book 1
  4. Power Grid – see what happens when 6 Robots run it all
  5. Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation – more tense late-night battles
  6. Pandemic: On The Brink – dad finally getting to be the bio-terrorist
  7. Battlestar Galactica – another big game with the cousins
  8. K2 – have yet to get Trevor in for a game
  9. How to Host a Murder – as a date night for Trevor and his friends
  10. New-to-us games to try: Scotland Yard, Sunrise City, 1775 Rebellion, Island Fortress
  11. And of course, more Robo Rally, Alien Frontiers, and Small World
board game family
Loved our Chicago trip.

Somehow I think I’m going to be sacrificing sleep over these next few months. Trevor and I both love the allure of late nights – late night movies or late night games. I’m sure we’ll be able to get in at least 1 late night a week (because there’s plenty more board games we love playing together).

Only a few more months…

Bring it on!

And Congratulations Trevor!

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