Cloud City Board Game Review

Cloud City, a board game from Blue Orange Games, should not be confused for a Tibanna gas mining colony floating in the clouds of the planet Bespin run by a smuggler named Lando.

Although that might make a really cool game…

In the game, 2 to 4 players ages 10 and up, take on the roll of architects vying to win city council votes to become the best city planner. They will zone land, build skyscrapers that reach the clouds, and connect them with spectacular walkways high above the ground. The player to do this the best wins.

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Snap Ships – Build to Battle Review

Snap Ships – Build to Battle is a clever modular building toy from Play Monster, who is also known for toys like Automoblox and Marbleocity and board games like Island of El Dorado, Farkle, Set, and the classic Stratego.

Snap Ships are similar to LEGO but with beautifully sculpted spacecraft parts. At the core there are square blocks that snap together making up the base structure, you then add the different parts to create the perfect ship. From cockpits to laser cannons to fuel tanks there are all the different components you would expect.

Each model comes with two to three different building instructions, but with your imagination, there’s no limit to the number of different designs you can come up with. Add that to the fact you can mix and match sets and you can keep busy for quite some time.

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