Enjoy Summer!

Soccer fun
Get outside and have fun!

We’re close to wrapping up our series of board game expansion reviews.
We have a bunch of board games on our “to review” shelf.
And we also have lot more new games on our “to play and review” shelf.

So going more than a week without posting a game review seems like a long time. The list of games and topics we want to write about just keeps getting longer and backs-up as days go by without a post.

But you know what – that’s ok!

Because it’s summer and we’re having a great time just having fun together.

Sure we’re getting a game in here and there. But that’s currently taking a back stage. Instead we’re having fun with lots of other stuff.

climbing tree
Climbing trees – oh the joys!

We’ve written about Balance a number of times before. And now is one of those times. Life balance requires a break here and there. We take breaks at work. We take vacations to get a break. We need to take mental breaks to stay fresh and keep life exciting.

Summer is a great time for some of those breaks!

Writing reviews and articles late at night works a lot of the time – but not during summer. During summer we’re staying up a lot later hanging out.

So pardon our slight delays between some of our posts.
We’re spending our time with each other rather than writing about it.

Here’s a great quote we read recently by Rosemary Wixom:

Precious moments of opportunity to interact and converse with our children dissolve when we are occupied with distractions. Why not choose a time each day to disconnect from technology and reconnect with each other? Simply turn everything off. When you do this, your home may seem quiet at first; you may even feel at a loss as to what to do or say. Then, as you give full attention to your children, a conversation will begin, and you can enjoy listening to each other.

Love the mountains!

A lot of times, when kids and teenagers want to talk during the summer is late at night. It may be hard to turn off our digital distractions at night to spend time with our kids, but summertime is the best time to do it.

Hanging out outside in the nice summer air is a lot of fun. (So is sleeping on the trampoline.) Great times to spend time with kids.

Enjoy summer with your family!


P.S. We did get in our 3rd game of Risk Legacy last weekend. After a lot of back-and-forth with large forces, Jaden ended the game with a victory.

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