Ingenious – Addicting family fun

Did you ever think placing colored tiles on a board could be addicting?

Well, with Ingenious it sure can be.

When you first see Ingenious you may think it’s just a simple children’s game. Sure it’s a simple tile placement game, and kids will have fun just matching tiles from what they draw, but by throwing in a unique scoring element and game winning condition, you’ll find yourself putting a lot of thought into each move to get the best result.

With his thinking cap tightly on, Jaden’s the perfect person to explain why our family likes Ingenious.

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Quarto – Funny name, Fun game

Quarto is a board game that doesn’t need a lot of instruction. In fact, when we first saw the game we wondered what we were missing because the only type of instructions we could see were so short that we thought we must be missing something.

So we just went with what we were given and it turned into a family board game hit. We love to pull Quarto out when we want a quick 2-player challenge.

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