Duplik party game review

Duplik board game
Duplik quickly jumped onto our family favorite games lists.

We recently wrote about Duplik a couple of times since both Mom and Brooke listed Duplik as one of their Favorite Board Games. It’s a fun game we just got a couple months ago and it quickly jumped into a top games spot for both of them.

When you hear it’s a drawing game, don’t be alarmed. You don’t need to be any sort of an artist to win.

How well you draw may not matter, but how fast you draw will have an impact.

Check out Brooke’s video review to see how to play Duplik as well as hear why she likes it so much.

Can the whole family enjoy Duplik?

Duplik party game
Ready for some fun with your family?


Although the published suggested age is 12+, don’t let that stop you from playing with younger kids in your family. They’ll have a blast as well.

We’ve played Duplik many times and everyone we’ve played it with in both friends and family has really enjoyed it. It was also a perfect game to play on Thanksgiving Day last week as we enjoyed a bunch of family time.

Another reason we love Duplik is because everyone plays at the same time. There isn’t any downtime while players wait for others to take a turn. Players are all frantically drawing at the same time. And once the drawing time is over, everyone is actively evaluating their neighbors drawing as the 10 scoring items are read out.

Duplik party game
The secret decoder sheet is fantastic.

Then play moves on to the next drawing and everyone sets to drawing again.


How does Duplik score on our “Let’s Play Again” game meter?

As you can imagine, Duplik scores very high on our “let’s play again” game meter. It’s getting a lot of plays in our home.

There are a ton of drawings in the deck of cards (all double-sided) and they all have very unique artwork. Since we’ve played it a bunch, we have come across drawings we’ve done in the past, but we quickly just choose another drawing.

Duplik party game
There are plenty of pictures included on the double-sided cards.

We imagine that some day we’ll have gone through all the cards. But by that time, even if we come back to a drawing that we’ve done before we don’t think it will be a problem.

We guess that we’ll just vaguely remember the art layout, but won’t be able to recall the secret 10 items we’ll be scored on for the drawing – which will keep it fresh.

Thanks Asmodee for a fantastic family and party game!

The Board Game Family Game Ratings
Caleb: 4.0 Meeples Caleb
Brooke: 4.5 Meeples Brooke
Jaden: 4.0 Meeples Jaden
Trevor: 4.0 Meeples Trevor
Mom: 4.5 Meeples Mom
Dad: 4.0 Meeples Dad
Average: 4.25 Meeples Average

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