Board Game Hall of Fame

Board Game Hall of Fame
Time to recognize the best

What does it take to get into a sports Hall of Fame?
Although we’re not exactly sure, and it will vary somewhat from sport to sport, we do know it takes a lot of hard work and great results to show for it.

Other industries and associations also have their Hall of Fame to recognize the top people in their field or discipline. Only the cream of the crop rise to such heights.

So it’s about time that exceptional board games and card games get recognized with their Hall of Fame as well.

Like other fields, nominations and acceptance into the Board Game Hall of Fame is conducted by a large panel of industry experts.

However, unlike other fields, the Board Game Hall of Fame recognizes greatness in objects (board games and card games) rather than people (although these game designers also deserve a lot of kudos).

So what does it take to get into the Board Game Hall of Fame?
Well, this time we do know the answer.

  • The game must have been on the market for at least ten years, and have been published after 1900 AD..
  • The game must be a notable, amazing release and/or
  • Have had a major effect on the gaming world and other games.
  • Be a card or board game.

The main purpose of the Board Game Hall of Fame is to recognize games that have had a major impact in the gaming world. So rather than just recognizing the latest “hot” board game – like you’ll see in the “Best Board Game of 2010” for example – the Hall of Fame recognizes games that have stood the test of time, have been played by millions, have had a huge social impact, or innovated game play in great ways.

So go check out the Board Game Hall of Fame – we’re sure you’ll recognize a lot of games on the list.


6 thoughts on “Board Game Hall of Fame

  • Popularity does not necessarily mean Quality.
    “Nuff said.”

  • Popularity does not necessarily mean Quality.
    “Nuff said.”

  • There’s also the SDJ and the boardgamegeek game of the year awards, although I think the SDJ tends to be fairly hit or miss in terms of being awarded to the best games.

    Scrolling through the list on the hall of fame you linked to, I only see maybe 3 games that I would consider to be great games.

  • There’s also the SDJ and the boardgamegeek game of the year awards, although I think the SDJ tends to be fairly hit or miss in terms of being awarded to the best games.

    Scrolling through the list on the hall of fame you linked to, I only see maybe 3 games that I would consider to be great games.


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